Shop Online for Business Supplies
At S&L our goal is to offer the best shopping experience possible. Along with the convenience of our online shopping cart we review every order item by item to ensure your getting the best value. It is not unusual for us to call our customers and suggest cost saving alternatives or slight changes to the quantity to get volume discounts.
Do you have particular items that you buy routinely? If so, we will be happy evaluate your purchase history and look for ways to save money on those items through bulk buy discounts and contract pricing.
Our online shopping cart automatically updates pricing to ensure a competitive edge over the big box stores. If you find a lower price from a local competitor or big box store, just let us know and we will be happy to match it.
Setting Up Your Login
Please identify yourself by clicking one of the below links. This will take you to the correct shopping portal to ensure your getting the best prices possible.
Once you arrive at the shopping page, you'll need to set up an account and know that you'll need an account to be able to shop online.
Teachers can use their sales tax exempt EEF cards for classroom supplies. Learn more about EEF cards.